The popularity of social media websites (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.) has grown dramatically in the last decade providing powerful methods to communicate and establish new connections based on common interests and needs. The vast majority of today’s medical students and residents are part of the millennial generation, the first generation that has grown up with digital technology. They have been labeled “digital natives.” There are currently four generations of faculty members at US medical schools, the “Millennials,” “Generation X,” “Baby Boomers,” and the “Silent Generation. The latter three did not grow up with digital technology, and if they utilize it, do so with more difficulty. These generations are labeled as “digital immigrants” as using digital technology is analogous to learning a new language later in life. In addition to differing levels of competency, faculty and students also differ in their perception of professionalism boundaries on social media sites. This webinar is designed to explore the social media competencies needed by faculty to work with medical students and residents who utilize social media on a regular basis. The types of competencies needed, opportunities for training, and professionalism issues that arise from the use of social media will be discussed.
Social Media Competencies for Medical Educators
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