The 12 Tips of Creating a Good TBL Course

Presented by Dean Parmelee, M.D., and Larry Michaelsen, Ph.D. on October 21, 2010 at 12:00 pm

Team-based learning (TBL) in medical education has emerged over the past few years as an instructional strategy to enhance active learning and critical thinking – even in large, basic science courses.  Although TBL consistently improves academic outcomes by shifting the instructional focus from knowledge transmission to knowledge application, it also addresses several professional competencies that cannot be achieved or evaluated through lecture-based instruction.  The 12 tips to be presented in this seminar will provide the attendee with a set of specific recommendations which, if followed, will ensure the successful design and implementation of TBL for a unit of study.

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Presenter Bios

Dean ParmeleeDean X. Parmelee, MD
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Professor of Psychiatry, Professor of Pediatrics
Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio

At the Boonshoft School of Medicine, Dr. Parmelee has championed the development of Team-Based Learning for medical and health sciences education. In addition to publications on this topic, he has conducted over 40 workshops/presentations on medical education topics for faculty development at annual meetings of the American Association of Medical Colleges and the following medical schools:

Dartmouth Medical School
Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine & Dentistry
Case-Western Reserve
Catholic University of Korea
University of Cincinnati
Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine
Wright State University
Indiana University School of Medicine
Virginia Commonwealth University
University of Arkansas
Florida State University
University of California at Davis
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Duke/National University of Singapore
National University of Singapore
Pennsylvania State University
Catholic University of Korea
Jordan University of Science and Technology
Johns Hopkins
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
University of Michigan
New Jersey Medical School
University of West Virginia

Larry MichaelsenLarry K. Michaelsen, Ph.D.
Professor of Management
University of Central Missouri

Larry K. Michaelsen (Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology from The University of Michigan) David Ross Boyd Professor Emeritus at the University of Oklahoma, Professor of Management at Central Missouri State University, a Carnegie Scholar, a Fulbright Senior Scholar and, former Editor of the Journal of Management Education. He is active in faculty and staff development activities and has conducted workshops on teaching effectively with small groups in a wide variety of university and, corporate settings. Dr. Michaelsen has also received numerous college, university and national awards for his outstanding teaching and for his pioneering work in two areas. One is the development of Team-Based Learning, a comprehensive small-group based instructional process that is now being used in over 100 academic disciplines and on over 200 campuses in the US and in eight foreign countries.