Message From the Editor-In-Chief

Uldis N. Streips, Ph.D.


Hello all JIAMSE readers!

We are now in the second issue of volume 19 of the Journal. As we have started this year, all publications are represented in this issue. I hope the information will be useful for you at your school and in the job you do. I always pick up something I can do better in the course I direct from reading the material submitted to JIAMSE.

I urge you all to think about educational research. Many medical schools are utilizing educators extensively, whose tenure and promotion depends on a portfolio of publication and presentation. Our journal review system is very user-friendly and lots of help is available for the authors from our tireless editorial board. Our production editor, Marshall Anderson, is also superb and your work will be published in the best format possible. All our published material, including Letters to the Editor is peer-reviewed thoroughly.

So, I wish you all good reading, good application of the ideas you read about, and I look forward to the manuscripts you will be sending my way.

Uldis N. Streips, Ph.D.

Published Page Numbers: 35