Over the past several months substantial changes have occurred with our journal. The Basic Science Educator has evolved into the Journal of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (JIAMSE). This change is manifested not only by a new name, but a restructuring and redesign of the journal and all of its Web-Based components. As the new name suggests, JIAMSE is the public face of IAMSE and as such publishes research, opinions and commentary under the broad context of medical education. Modifications to the physical and administrative structure of the journal complement many additional changes that will impact our membership, authors and readers.
Physical and administrative changes that have taken place include: 1) my selection by the Executive Committee as the new Editor-in-Chief, 2) the new cover which incorporates some color while still managing a professional feel consistent with the Basic Science Educator, 3) a recommitted and expanded cadre of Editors and 4) a new journal format. The new format eliminates the ‘sections’ approach that formed the backbone of the Basic Science Educator, instead we have opted for a more traditional format, which divides the journal into research and non-research based articles providing flexibility for submissions such as commentary and editorials. The new format with broader categories welcomes authors to submit to the journal without necessitating a particular ‘fit’ into the former, relatively narrow sections of the Basic Science Educator and therefore will allow JIAMSE to more accurately represent the diverse interests of our readership.
A renewed commitment of JIAMSE to our authors and readers is centered on increased communication. As the Editor-in-Chief, I will serve as the contact person for all of JIAMSE authors. It is our goal to have one individual responsible for the tracking of submissions to JIAMSE in order to ensure accurate and efficient communication between our Editors, Reviewers and Authors. In order to further maximize the benefits and efficiency of having one contact person, all submissions to JIAMSE, regardless of type, should be submitted directly to the Editor-in-Chief.
As further indication of our renewed commitment to openness and communication we have updated and revised all other aspects of the journal including the duties of the Editorial Board, Reviewers and instructions for our Authors. All of these changes are readily accessible to anyone wishing to submit to JIAMSE or to learn more about our journal by using the links available on the IAMSE website (http://www.iamse.org/jiamse/index.htm/a>)
Finally, we have developed a new process through which we hope to expand our reviewer pool. This begins with a general call for individuals to apply to become reviewers by using a simple, online application form. We hope to expand our reviewer pool to include a larger and more diverse cross-section of our membership and use this as yet another avenue for our members to get more involved in the organization as a whole.
In closing, I hope that you will share our excitement in welcoming the many changes to our journal, which go far beyond just a new name, but represent a new philosophy that encompasses all aspects of the journal. I hope that these changes reflect a new commitment to communication and efficiency that will help propel JIAMSE forward to becoming one of the premier medical education journals in the world. It is my sincere desire that you will join with me, the Executive Committee, the Editorial Board and our Reviewers and Authors in realizing this goal.