Juan Pablo Carrillo Vargas and Belinda del
Carmen Carrion Chavarroa
PURPOSE In order to promote multidisciplinary teamwork across different disciplines, it was designed the I Week. This full time immersion program includes challenging activities to develop generic competences on students. The aim of the study was to measure the satisfaction of the students registered on the Basic Medical Sciences I Week activities .
METHODS The study had a mixed, transactional and descriptive design. Participants were 148 students from different programs, 68 from the School of Medicine and Health Sciences (EMCS from its acronym in Spanish) and 80 from non-health sciences programs. There were offered six activities, for example: “Anatomy to all: a virtual focus for understanding the reality” and “Human anatomy, art, science and technology” among others. There was applied a satisfaction survey (Cronbach’ Alpha 0.94) and interviews to students at the end of the week.
RESULTS The response rate on the survey was 28%. The average overall satisfaction from 42 students was 4.71 on the six activities on 1-5 scale. Interviews with 16 students from engineering, accounting, finance and art showed that 93.8% of them decided to join the activity voluntarily, and 87.3% would recommend their activity it for future classes. Collaboration among students from different disciplines changed their perception about teamwork on health science related topics.
CONCLUSION The faculty had
the opportunity to challenge students from different programs on a multidisciplinary
teamwork. Both health sciences and non-medical sciences students learned how to
deliver a solution from the medical field and overcome some misconceptions
around the selected topic.
601 – Making the
First Step a Virtual One
Becca Gas, Katie Cornelius, and Heather Billings
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science
PURPOSE: We aimed to address the lack of interprofessional education (IPE) resources across five schools within the College of Medicine and Science at our institution. Multiple gap analyses have shown a need for explicit IPE training and activities for learners and faculty at our institution. With 4000+ faculty teaching and assessing, and 3500+ learners from post-baccalaureate to post-doctoral programs, the diversity of learning environments, pedagogies, outcomes, and expectations is complex. This largesse poses immense challenges and generates significant competing demands on a finite number of organizational resources including physical space and dedicated staff.
METHODS: To address the lack of IPE tools and resources at our institution, we created and launched a Virtual Center for IPE in conjunction with an enterprise-wide forum for educators. The IPE Virtual Center is a searchable website on our institution’s intranet that houses a variety of tools and resources in a centralized location for students, trainees, faculty, physicians, and staff. It allows for robust collection of analytics to inform future programming, justify resource acquisition, and optimize opportunities for faculty development to serve as a driver for organizational change and innovation.
RESULTS: We have found this model to be successful at our institution to launch faculty development programming, IPE initiatives, and instructional design projects. By establishing a Virtual Center, we have allowed for necessary coordination, curation, dissemination and communication channels to drive awareness, desire, knowledge building, assessment and recognition in a timely, efficient, and sustainable manner.
Virtual Center does not require an immense amount of institutional resources,
it is crucial for generating momentum to drive acquisition of additional
resources. The virtual center model is both feasible and generalizable to other
institutions hoping to implement a specific program or set of education
resources justified by engagement and impact data.
602 – THE
Edgar R. Meyer, Amber M. James, Kenneth Thompson,
and Dongmei Cui
University of Mississippi Medical Center and Millsaps
PURPOSE Traditionally, the pelvis has been an anatomical region of great complexity. There is limited research on the efficacy of virtual pelvis models over traditional learning. The purpose of this study was to compare the impact of two-dimensional (2D) images of pelvic anatomy and a virtual three-dimensional (3D) stereoscopic pelvis model on first-year medical students’ learning of 3D relationships. Before its use, the pelvis model was modified based on basic science and clinical expert opinions regarding important structures for inclusion.
METHODS First-year medical students (n=37) participated in one of two learning sessions. One group (n=25) attended a virtual 3D stereoscopic pelvis model presentation while another group (n=12) attended a 2D-formatted presentation of pelvic anatomy images. The 3D group was administered knowledge pre-tests and mental rotation tests (MRTs) before the 3D presentation and knowledge post-tests, second MRTs, and surveys assessing 3D perceptions after the 3D presentation. The 2D group was administered knowledge pre-tests before the 2D presentation followed by knowledge post-tests and surveys.
RESULTS One-way ANOVAs will be used to compare test scores before and after 2D and 3D learning sessions and the knowledge post-test scores between 2D and 3D groups. The results will confirm whether 2D-image or virtual 3D stereoscopic pelvis model presentations are more effective in improving first-year medical students’ learning of anatomy.
stereoscopic models have the potential to improve students’ learning when used
in addition to traditional anatomy education. This study will evaluate the
impact of expert-guided model modifications in improving students’ anatomy
learning. Future studies should address the effectiveness of virtual 3D
stereoscopic models of other complex anatomical structures on students’
learning of 3D relationships.
603 – Integration
of a Massive Open Online Course on Clinical Nephrology in different educational
Peter GM de Jong, Renee A Hendriks, Franka Luk, and
Marlies EJ Reinders
Leiden University Medical Center
PURPOSE In 2016 LUMC launched a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Kidney, Pancreas and Islet Transplantation for students and healthcare professionals. As opposed to on-campus education, this course delivers learning objectives exclusively online. The MOOC has been integrated in different educational settings.
METHODS The MOOC is offered monthly to learners worldwide and demographic data of participants are obtained. Furthermore since the year 2016 the MOOC is integrated in two 2nd year Medical School courses by using parts of the MOOC to actually replace traditional classroom teaching, as well as by using only a few movies, the discussion forum and a clinical patient case assignment as additional optional materials. Finally, the complete MOOC is offered to students in the extracurricular Honors track and in the yearly international Summerschool, and to several universities around the world participating in our virtual exchange program.
RESULTS Over 10.000 learners from over 90 countries signed up for the MOOC. During the two on-campus courses the MOOC is offered to over 300 medical students per year. Students report back that the MOOC elements are an interesting addition to the face to face curriculum and that the online lectures and discussion forums are inspiring. Over half of the students explore to some extent other parts of the MOOC outside the instructed assignments. During the Honors Track and Summerschool, the students seem to be much more engaged with the online materials and the discussion forums than the 2nd year students. In the international exchange program the MOOC is received well.
resources in a MOOC can be used successfully in different settings of
education. The high quality materials, interactivity and online discussions
offer added value to traditional classroom teaching. Further research is needed
to see how this integration of materials can be further optimized.
Mildred Lopez, Jose Gerardo Carrillo, juan Pablo
Nigenda Alvarez, Ricardo Treviao Gonzolez, Jorge E. Valdez Garcia, and Belinda
del Carmen Carrion
Tecnologico de Monterrey, School of Medicine and
Health Sciences
PURPOSE When performing medical procedures, physicians must rely on their mental representations to size complex internal structures that are not directly visible on the skin. In its formation, this knowledge is acquired through the study of two-dimensional images. Currently, virtual reality is revolutionizing the teaching-learning process due to its value to offer a practical experience, at low cost and easy to administer against the alternative of performing cadaveric practices. The objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of virtual reality for the development of understanding, perception and spatial description, as well as the analysis of structures and functions.
METHODS The sample consisted of 88 medical students from the Morphophysiology course. For the analysis, mean and standard deviation were considered. Afterwards an ANOVA variance analysis was used.
RESULTS The results indicate that virtual reality had a positive impact in spatial location of the structures related to the clinical case, particularly in the signaling of intrathoracic structures.
CONCLUSION It is necessary
that educators participate in the establishment and consolidation of standards
for the promotion and implementation of virtual reality in medical education,
in order to guarantee an experience that ensures the achievement of the
learning objectives of students, residents and teachers.
Carl Gustaf S Axelsson, Karen Buckley, Ole-Petter
Hamnvik, Michael G Healy, Matthew O’Rourke, Traci Wolbrink, and Roy Phitayakorn
Department of Surgery, Massachusetts General
Hospital, Harvard Medical School, NEJM Group, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and
Boston Children’s Hospital
PURPOSE Value-based care uses a variety of metrics to ensure that a new treatment is both effective and economical. In medical education, there is an influx of new video-based learning technologies and applications. However, there is a lack of financial frameworks to estimate the costs associated with introducing new technologies for educators and programmatic development.
METHODS We performed a focused literature review to create a framework (‘REC’ ‘Roles’, ‘Equipment’ and ‘Consumables’) for the evaluation of the production cost of the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) Quick Take videos available on a range of topics related to internal medicine.
RESULTS The most expensive component of these video-based education modules is the time cost. The average time taken to produce each video was 40 hours. This time included research, script editing, meeting with the content expert, storyboarding, graphics development, audio recording and editing, animation, file processing, staging for review, making edits and redistributing, and creating thumbnails. The most significant costs were medical illustrator time ($1500-2000 per video) and content expert time ($150 per video). Some costs were minimized in our video production process due to favorable resource availability, minimal use of equipment/simulators due to the exclusive use of animated graphics, and minimal opportunity cost.
CONCLUSIONS Application of
the ‘REC’ framework demonstrates that total cost with focused learning
topic-videos was strongly related to the length of each video. The ‘REC’-framework
allows educators to better project resource needs. Further work will apply the framework in
other video development settings (e.g. utilizing non-animated video components)
and compare total costs per learner, outcome and over time when compared to
traditional didactic methods.
Poster Award Nominee
606 – Evaluating the effectiveness of 360° videos in promoting engagement in
medical education
Neeral Shah, Nathaniel Larson, and Vivian Chan
Department of Medicine, University of Virginia
PURPOSE As 360° video technology has become more advanced and accessible, new ideas regarding its utilization in medical training have emerged. With this study, we have sought to examine whether 360° videos promote increased engagement over standard 2D videos among medical students.
METHODS We enrolled 39 fourth-year medical students to watch two 4-minute videos of exercises in an anatomy lab in a 360° 3D format with an immersive headset or in 2D format on a laptop computer. Every two minutes, students were asked if they were thinking about any thoughts unrelated to the video and to rate their engagement on a scale of 0-100. Following the videos, participants ranked on a scale from 0-100 their concordance with 14 statements related to engagement, practicality, and interest in the technology. Participants were also asked to describe what they perceived as the positives and negatives of their video experience.
RESULTS While watching the videos, the average engagement reported by the 360° video group was higher at each time point than the engagement reported by the 2D group. Further, the engagement remained high in the 360° group through the 6 and 8 minute timepoints. In the post-video survey, the 360° group reported a statistically significantly higher average engagement in seven out of eight of the relevant statements. 360° video was rated as more practical and interesting than 2D. There was no significant difference in the perceived ease of learning. Additionally, when asked to give feedback, more individuals in the 360° group cited feeling engaged or involved.
CONCLUSIONS Overall, our
results suggest that use of 360° video may improve engagement for short videos
used in medical education.
607 – Enhancing
Anatomy Learning with Self-guided, Independent Digital Anatomy Table
Aftab Merchant, Akiva Katz, and Kayeromi Gomez
University of Illinois College of Medicine –
PURPOSE With more emphasis on clinical education in the health sciences curriculum, there is an increasing trend toward technology-enhanced educational resources for pre-clinical subjects, including Anatomy. However; mere acquisition of technology is unlikely to change the outcomes if the technology is not wisely selected and used. Educational technology resources, such as Digital Anatomy (Anatomage) Table, are great tools for students to master complex body structures; however, the adaptation of such technology within classrooms has been a considerable challenge so far. Instructors and students alike, all face a steep learning curve familiarizing themselves to the basic functioning of the table making it difficult to incorporate such systems into the curriculum. The purpose of this study is to address the challenges faced to include Digital Anatomy Table to enhance anatomy learning at a large medical school system with three campuses.
METHODS To address the foremost challenge of training students and faculty to best use the Digital Anatomy Table in a limited time, we wrote a self-guided training exercise for the table that instructs users to complete certain tasks on the table and by doing so, they learn the most significant features of the table in a relatively short time (less than twenty minutes). The class size, the time required to complete the exercise, and the limited number of digital tables available, were considered during the development of the training module.
RESULTS The self-guided independent training will enable students with no or limited prior experience in the subject of Anatomy or on the digital table to identify, explore, and learn from simple to more complex anatomical structures independently.
CONCLUSION Our innovative
approach would help many medical schools confronting the challenges of training
faculty and students to use the Digital Anatomy Table efficiently to learn
608 – GAME
Tjitske Faber, Mary Dankbaar, and Jeroen van
Erasmus MC and School of Health Professions
Education, Maastricht University
PURPOSE The ABCDE method, used internationally to treat seriously ill patients, is commonly trained in face-to-face-courses. When preparing for such a course with a game (abcdeSIM), training results improved for residents 1. However, students playing the game did not outperform students studying identical text-based cases 2. Four-Component Instructional Design 3 (4C/ID) provides a framework for developing instruction for complex tasks. 4C/ID has been recommended for medical education and has been used in designing serious games in several fields. We have not encountered games for medicine designed using 4C/ID. We hope to inspire teams developing games for medicine on how to use 4C/ID in their design process.
METHODS In a collaboration between content experts, game designers, and educationalists, we used 4C/ID to redesign abcdeSIM. We created additional learning tasks to ensure variation, increasing complexity and decreasing support within levels. Supportive and procedural information was added.
RESULTS Level of complexity was based on severity of disease and interventions required. Time-based prompts for vital interventions gradually decrease. A pause function enables access to supportive information. To assist overall problem-solving strategy development, a form prompts structured ABCDE assessment. For procedural information, we presented tool information upon selection and showed hit areas projected on the virtual patient to aid tool use.
CONCLUSIONS 4C/ID provides a
structured approach for design choices in a serious game. Working in an
existing game, little screen space was available for prompts and information.
Designing the level of support was difficult because challenge is important to
maintain flow. Timing the prompts to align with individual players’ needs
remains challenging. By following 4C/ID principles and closely collaborating,
we were able to build a new game version incorporating the theoretically sound
support options described above. Dankbaar et al. Simul Healthc.
2016;12(1):9-16. Dankbaar et al. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract.
2016;21(3):505-521. Merrienboer&Kirschner. Ten Steps to Complex Learning.
Routledge; 2017.
609 – USE OF 3D
Shayna Youman, Evan Dang, Myers Jones, and Bonnie
Campbell University Jerry M. Wallace School of
Osteopathic Medicine
PURPOSE The purpose of this study is to create models of benign and malignant bone tumors from computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans and assess the effectiveness of the use of such models in medical education.
METHODS CT and MRI scans of bone pathology were anonymized using 3D slicer software and imported into a free online converter for conversion into 3D digital models for printing. Pre-created digital models from a database were also printed. Two different 3D printing techniques were used: 1) Ultimaker 3 Extended printer using fused-deposition modeling (FDM) with colorFabb nGen white and clear filaments and 2) Form 2 printer using stereolithography (SLA) with Formlabs white and clear resins. Tinkercad was then used to apply geometric solids to bridge structural deficits of the models. The prints required trimming excess material and support structures. The SLA prints required additional processing steps: sit in two baths of isopropyl alcohol for 10 minutes each, dry off, and then cure under concentrated UV light for 15 to 30 minutes. Medical student volunteers were randomized into two groups (approved, IRB#407). Both completed pre- and post-tests for understanding of bone pathology following a short lecture, one group with 3D printed models during the lecture and the other without.
RESULTS Printed models were able to imitate gross characteristics of the tumors and were produced at no cost to the research team. The impact on student education (results of pre- and post-tests) is still pending.
CONCLUSION 3D printing
stylized models of bone tumors is a cost and time-effective means to augment
medical student understanding of this pathology. This study highlights the
benefits of interprofessional practice and education as medical students had to
work alongside engineering students to devise and execute the project.
610 – Academic
Medicine Student Interest Group: A Solution for Student Curiosity
Herschel Wilde, Julie Anne Jahp, Skylar Larsen, and
Sarah Nguyen
University of Utah School of Medicine
PURPOSE The student authors at the University of Utah School of Medicine (UUSOM) conceived of this innovation after identifying a lack of resources to learn more about careers in academic medicine (AM). Despite being embedded in an AM environment while in medical school, there are limited resource to learn about career paths, how to become involved, and how to prepare for a career in AM.
METHODS The student authors and two faculty mentors created the Academic Medicine Student Interest Group (AMSIG) as a centralized resource for medical students to learn about, prepare for, and become involved with AM. AMSIG leadership is composed of three second year medical students, one first year medical student and two MD faculty advisors. This team plans events, facilitates mentorship, collaborates with administration and directs the future of the group.
RESULTS AMSIG held two successful events and will hold a third during its first year. The events were well received by students and involved faculty alike. The three events were planned sequentially to first introduce career paths within AM, second to connect interested students with passionate faculty mentors, and third to help students develop skills to prepare for successful careers in AM.
perceived resource gap at UUSOM by providing a centralized forum for medical
students to learn about potential career paths, establish mentor relationships,
and develop useful skills in the field of AM.
Katherine Henderson
Virginia Commonwealth University, School of
PURPOSE To highlight easy-to-use tools that collect, organize, and represent data associated with academic engagement, portfolios, and faculty-related programming. Visual representations of data, or dashboards, can express narratives of success that can be captivating and persuasive (Vaitsis, et. al., 2014). There are several tools that can assist with this expression and faculty/faculty developers can use these tools to measure program effectiveness and/or quantify work for promotion and tenure. Learning to use select tools that help manage data and reduce information overload can address the challenge of low digital fluency among faculty, and help develop skill sets that are desired of medical educators (Johnson, L., et. al., 2014)
METHODS This presentation will share three projects developed across departments in VCU School of Medicine. Specifically, work related to faculty engagement, process management, and data visualization will be discussed, emphasizing how each tool has improved tracking, reporting, and real-time analysis for decision making.
RESULTS Data collected and presented with these tools, whether it be for P&T or departmental programming, can be used to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and concerns. Additionally, the creation of automated processes can save faculty/faculty developers time as they express narratives of success using data. A guide for how each of these tools can be implemented in a variety of contexts at other institutions will be provided.
CONCLUSIONS These tools are
accessible from any device at minimal or no cost. Moreover, they do not require advanced skills
in computer programming or knowledge of complicated syntax. However, a basic understanding of HTML can
complement how a user’s data can be presented. Many faculty may not have these
skill sets; however, with a desire to experiment, learning to develop
dashboards is feasible, and one can generalize this skill to a variety of
Poster Award Nominee
Roberto Galvez, Laura Shackelford, Jenny Amos, and
Judith L Rowen
Carle Illinois College of Medicine, University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
PURPOSE There has been recent interest towards utilizing virtual reality (VR) as an educational tool. As with any new tool it is important to determine what educational content VR is most effective in delivering. We describe a clinical case-centered VR task that was used to effectively teach first-year medical students the 3-dimensional aspect of collateral circulation, an anatomical property that is often difficult to teach with traditional methods.
METHODS Groups of four students were given access to computers running the VR version of Organon (a commercially available anatomy program). Students were provided an overview of the software and then presented with a clinical case of a patient exhibiting symptoms consistent with aortic coarctation. They then completed the following tasks: 1) propose the most likely cause for the patient’s symptoms; 2) using the VR tools, diagram the most likely route for blood flow around the occlusion if the coarctation was A) preductal or B) postductal. Upon completion, each group submitted a single document with their proposed answers. Students also received further examination on this content in weekly quizzes (NBME-style, from Firecracker).
RESULTS All 32 students completed the tasks to a sufficient level of competency within the 1 hour time. Weekly quiz performance indicated student competency; performance on 3 related questions was 97% for Carle Illinois students, compared to 76% for other US students. Upon examination of the activity as a whole, it 1) successfully educated the students on the predetermined objectives, 2) stressed a collaborative teamwork approach to learning, and 3) utilized VR to effectively assist with the educational objective.
CONCLUSION As medical schools
move towards utilizing newer technologies it is important to remain cognizant
of what educational content is best conveyed with these technologies. We
provide an example of educational content that was successfully provided
through VR.
613 – Relationship
between Medical Student Engagement in an Immune Response Simulation Innovative
Session and Examination Performance in a First-year Medical Microbiology and
Immunology Class.
Nyla Dil
University of Central Florida College of
PURPOSE: Undergraduate medical education is moving past traditional lecture based pedagogy and is shifting gears towards engaging students in active learning. Immunology is a complex discipline to comprehend and most entering medical students have little to no prior knowledge of this intricate discipline. We used a novel hands-on “immune response simulation” session to engage students in active learning of immunological principles and improve integration with medical microbiology. We developed tools to access student engagement during this novel active learning session and studied relationship between student engagement and examination performance. This abstract describes this medical education project and its outcomes.
METHODS: Students are taught didactic immunology lectures followed by this active learning session where students simulate an immune response scenario to major classes of pathogens. Students prepare 10 min long enactments playing roles of a host immune cell or a pathogen. Faculty facilitates this learning session and administers the assessment tools. Three integrated aspects of student engagements: cognitive, behavioral, and affective are measured. Performance was based on a multiple-choice questions final examination.
RESULTS: Preliminary results indicate that there is a significant increase in immunology knowledge gained and that students were highly engaged in learning immunology through this innovative pedagogy. There was a positive relationship between student engagement and final exam performance.
CONCLUSION: Immune response
simulation is an effective pedagogical novelty where students are actively
engaged in learning complex immunological principles in a hands on experiential
learning session. This novel pedagogical intervention might prove valuable in
engaging students in other medical science disciplines as well.
Arundathi Jayatilleke
Drexel University College of Medicine
PURPOSE A solid understanding of musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders is essential for medical school graduates. Yet studies have shown students and graduates to be underprepared in MSK medicine. A potential gap thus exists between existing curricula and the knowledge required to provide excellent patient care.
METHODS Evaluations from our institution’s preclinical courses from 2013-2018 were reviewed for data about MSK exam and lecture sessions using keywords (joint/joints, MSK, and musculoskeletal). In addition, 3rd year “shelf” exam questions from 2016-2017 pertaining to MSK medicine were reviewed and compared to national means.
RESULTS Quantitative feedback was available for 2016-2017. 52% of 58 second year students responded that they felt confident in their ability to perform a MSK exam, 29% were neutral, 17% disagreed, and 2% strongly disagreed. In contrast, 86% of respondents felt confident in their ability to take a history and 95% in their ability to perform a general physical exam. 54 narrative feedback comments were analyzed to yield 63 data points in 11 areas: 32 comments made regarding MSK lectures and 31 regarding physical exam. In both areas, the most common comment was regarding timing of sessions. The second most common comment was that more MSK sessions were needed (6/32 lecture-related and 9/32 exam-related). Only one student requested less time in MSK lectures and no students requested less time in MSK exam teaching. 233 NBME clinical questions pertaining to the MSK system were assessed in the areas of foundational content (107), diagnosis (60), management (62), and prevention (4). Compared to national means, average scores were generally within 5 percentage points.
CONCLUSIONS Evaluation of our
institution’s preclinical course feedback suggests that students are not
confident in their MSK exam performance and would also prefer further
instruction in the field. Due to limited instructional time, novel methods of
supplementing MSK instruction should be explored.
Arundathi Jayatilleke
Drexel University College of Medicine
PURPOSE Despite increasing interest, the use of games in medical education remains the exception rather than the rule. However, games can help students bridge the divide between preclinical education and clinical practice because learning is not only relevant but applied and practiced within the context of the game: i.e., situated cognition. Because of the need for increased musculoskeletal education of medical students, I am developing a digital game using an interactive patient scenario to teach elements of the musculoskeletal exam and related clinical reasoning to preclinical medical students.
PROCESS In implementing “backwards design” to this intervention, I propose that students who have completed the game should be able to appropriately manage a patient presenting with subacute elbow pain and swelling. During the game, they will practice differentiating inflammatory, mechanical, and degenerative conditions affecting the elbow using historical clues, view and perform (virtually) an upper extremity musculoskeletal exam, and justify the appropriate next step in management based on their proposed diagnosis.
IMPLEMENTATION Second year medical students who have had instruction in both musculoskeletal pathology and physical exam will have access to the game as a supplement to the established curriculum. Outcomes will be assessed via performance on school and standardized examinations, as well as through a new clinical skills assessment case in the third year (pre-implementation data is being collected).
can provide an opportunity for situated learning, an especially important area
for preclinical students exploring the role of practitioner. In this
innovation, I am developing a game that fills a need (increased training in
musculoskeletal exam) in a field underrepresented in preclinical education
(rheumatology). Clinical skills and reasoning will be assessed before and after
the intervention using a standardized patient encounter.
618 – Perceived
value of the Innovation Week: Developing competences on multidisciplinary
Silvia Olivares
Tecnologico de Monterrey
PURPOSE Tecnologico de Monterrey includes competency based education as a principle for its academic programs, including the School of Medicine and Health Sciences (EMCS for its acronym in Spanish). The I Week was designed to develop disciplinary and generic competences from challenging activities on a full immersion week. The aim of this study was to measure the perceived value of the I Week program considering the learned generic competences from student’s perspective.
METHODS The study had a quantitative, transactional and descriptive design. Participants were 148 students from different programs (45% from EMCS and 54% from non-health related programs). Some examples of activities were related with: clinical simulation, lab research and anatomy art, among others. The pedagogical objectives were obtained from the online platform, and the perceived learning results were obtained from satisfaction survey (Cronbach’ Alpha 0.94).
RESULTS The three generic competences more referred by the students of the Medical Basic Sciences during the I Week activities were: collaboration, intellectual curiosity, innovation and critical thinking. The most popular competences selected by design were: critical thinking and innovation. Critical thinking was the most aligned competence between design and achievement. Is relevant to notice that in just one week is possible to promote generic competences on health sciences related topics.
CONCLUSION A break on the
calendar of the regular courses to have the I Week is an innovative initiative
to develop competencies instead of isolated knowledge. The I Week activities
promoted collaboration among students across disciplines. The selected
challenges introduced motivation to critically think how to deal with actual
problems on a non structured process.
620 – Gamification
Supporting Pharmacology Education: Analysis of Purpose and Structure in a
Preclinical Curriculum.
Laurel Gorman and Vananh Do
UCF College of Medicine
PURPOSE: Previous data from our institution showed preclinical medical students rate gamification highly for active pharmacology learning, but few studies have evaluated how games should be integrated into curricula. To share how gamification was used for pharmacology education in our curricular model, a study was performed to determine the following: 1) sequencing 2) purpose 3) structure and complexity 4) recall mechanisms.
METHODS: Preclinical pharmacology activities designed as electronic games or ‘gamified’ sessions were identified. Sessions were defined as ‘gamified’ if they employed peer competition, engaging methods including an invitation to “play”, and a large number of interactive questions. For descriptive analysis, games were categorized by purpose, categorical vs mixed topic presentation, curricular location, organizational complexity, and types of recall and feedback.
RESULTS: Twenty-seven pharmacology activities met gamification criteria. All contained immediate feedback and some outcome-related reward. The most common classroom games employed Turning Point© team competitions while the most common electronic game used a Jeopardy© format. The most common purposes were review (52%), flipped classroom (48%), and peer engagement (44%). Most were integrated into second year modules (56%), structured categorically (52%), and employed recognition-retrieval questioning (63%). Complexity structure varied with 48% using interspersed complexity presentation while 44% employed a linear simple to complex design.
analysis supports that gamification is used throughout the preclinical
curriculum to support active pharmacology learning with the main purposes being
review, flipped classrooms, and peer engagement. In support of educational literature to
maximize learning, the games provide feedback to clarify gaps, dispersed
retrieval-based practice to enhance retention, and many use interspersed
complexity, a design previously shown to enhance critical thinking1,2,3. Sharing this curricular model will inform
others on how to integrate preclinical games into curricula for effective
active learning.
622 – NOW
Katherine Henderson
Virginia Commonwealth University, School of
PURPOSE To increase learner intrigue and participation using course trailers. These short, faculty-produced videos describe course objectives and set learner expectations, while captivating learners through creative expression. Course trailers are four minute videos that condense and creatively express a course syllabus. Use of these videos may have a significant impact on students that are disinterested and not attending classes. Like Coursera and Khan Academy, these trailers use media and techniques to appeal to student interests, and emphasize the relevance, value, and importance of course objectives.
METHODS The course trailer was presented to students via an embedded video within a Google Form survey. This poster will present a narrative framework (Truell, 2018) used to create the trailer, and will include an overview, script, and tools used to produce these media. An example of a VCU School of Medicine course trailer will be also provided.
RESULTS Results from surveys that assess student interest, motivation, and communication preferences will be shared. The survey results are currently being collected. This and course evaluation data will be used for comparison. The production of course trailers may lead to increased student participation in UME, and promote deeper faculty engagement with innovative technologies.
CONCLUSIONS As videos become
more common and easier to create, the production of course trailers is another
skill faculty can use to generate intrigue about topics,and clarify ambiguity
for complex, pre-clinical courses. This
innovation also addresses the millennial generation communication preferences
(Kron, et. al, 2010). Faculty must feel comfortable with their voices and have
the ability to convey scientific information with metaphors and examples to
diverse audiences. The linchpin to this
project’s success has been the synergy of interest, enthusiasm, and creativity
of one psychiatry faculty member to lead this effort and influence her colleagues.